Experiences that will change your life.
Claire Mark

Claire Mark

Claire Mark

Claire Mark

Claire Mark

Claire Mark


Claire Mark

Claire Mark

Claire Mark

Claire is a yoga/meditation teacher, life coach, functional nutrition counselor, cookbook author, mom, sister, daughter, partner, and friend. She cherishes all things related to health and wellness and loves helping others find a way to incorporate more joy and movement into their lives. Claire loves teaching yoga and has been doing it for over 25 years. Guiding people through a practice is Claire's happy place. She loves creating smart sequences with healthy alignment and a conscious flow that won’t overtax your body but will still make you work hard. Claire believes in learning new things and will always come to you with a fresh perspective and positive energy. Other things Claire loves are music, travel, and photography. She enjoys making new playlists for every class and encourages you to move with the music or sing along. Claire's love of travel is one of the reasons for leading yoga retreats!


Number of Years Teaching


Teaching Style

Vinyasa with smart sequencing


My students, family, and friends



What inspired you to teach yoga?

I was blown away by how yoga made me feel. I honestly never thought I'd be a yoga teacher but as I continued to practice I knew I wanted to share the experience with others. It is my greatest joy to teach and I love the experience of teaching on retreats because we have more time to explore and practice and go deeper than we would in a regular class setting.

Who are your most influential teachers?

My most influential yoga teachers are Maty Ezraty, Natasha Rizopoulos and Peter Rizzo and my most influential teachers in life are my parents, my sister and my partner Jason.

How would you describe your classes?

Vinyasa with healthy alignment and creative flowing sequences that are challenging but won't overtax your body.

Why do you feel retreats are transformational?

Retreats are an incredible place for transformation on and off the mat. On the mat we have more time to explore longer practices, work on different poses and workshop challenging asanas. Off the mat we dive deeper into meditation and also have time to connect with other like minded people away from the hustle and bustle of every day life. The combination of these two things allows people to open up, release and let go of old habits and patterns that no longer serve them and choose to make new commitments to healthy living as they head home.

What is your favorite pose to teach?

Triangle, handstand, wheel, down dog... I can't pick just one!!

What is your favorite pose to practice?

Handstand variations

Where are your favorite places to travel?

Places that I've never been before!

Probing Logs: 

JadeWits Technologies Application Execution:   0.622950 sec 

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Cache Logs: 

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