Experiences that will change your life.
Annie Carpenter

Annie Carpenter

Annie Carpenter

Annie Carpenter


Annie Carpenter

Past Retreats

Annie Carpenter

Annie Carpenter

Known as a “teachers’ teacher,” Annie is the creator of SmartFLOW Yoga, an intelligent marriage of mindful movement with compassionate, wakeful alignment. A respected teacher for many years, Annie creates practices that are at once advanced and challenging, yet safe and playful. In keeping with the profusion of stimulation that we will experience in beloved India, Annie is designing a series of practices to shift you from your smooth, easy routine to surprise and delight, and ultimately from discipline to devotion. An influential Teacher Trainer since 2003, Annie leads 200/500 trainings and workshops globally, and at Learn more at


“Although our culture tends to shrink yoga to mean only the physical asana element, I believe that yoga truly is a shamanic path, capable of leading us through transformation on all levels. Yoga reminds us what is real, and thus who we are—the light radiating from within.”


Years Teaching

30+ years




Each inhale and exhale



What inspired you to teach yoga?

My own practice—over 4 decades now!—continues to inspire me, to both soothe and excite, heal and expand me in so many ways. It feels essential—both privilege and duty—to bring this ever-changing transformational path to others.

Who are your most influential teachers?

Too many to name!! A few:

Swami Satchidananda: "Paths are many, truth is one."

Pattabhi Jois: "Do your practice and all is coming."

Martha Graham: "You are unique, and if that is not fulfilled, then something has been lost."

Mother Nature: the source of true awe.

How would you describe your style?

SmartFLOW Yoga is an intelligent marriage of mindful movement with compassionate, wakeful alignment. I create practices that are at once advanced and challenging, yet safe and playful, and truly transformative.

Why do you feel retreats are transformational?

TIME. We set aside the to-do lists and allow the true luxury of time to transform us—both in our practice and in the hours of our day. INTIMACY. The relatively small size of the group allows me to work more specifically and intimately with each student. COMMUNITY. The shared experiences create a sweet network of friends, often for life! PLACE. Abiding in a beautiful and culturally rich and/or environmentally pristine place reminds us what truly matters.

What is your favorite pose to teach?


What is your favorite pose to practice?


What are your favorite places to travel?

Anywhere nature eclipses distraction and culture eclipses habit

Probing Logs: 

JadeWits Technologies Application Execution:   0.622272 sec 

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Cache Logs: 

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