Grounding, Deep, Thematic & Alignment-Based
my practice, my teachers, my students & nature
I love sharing the practice that I love so much. I’m grateful for how yoga has changed my life. If I can help one yogi at a time, I am happy.
Paul Cabanis, Annie Carpenter, Lisa Walford & Chad Hamrin
The heart of my teaching is alignment-inspired vinyasa with thematic sequences that tell a story and challenge students to slow down. I am passionate about teaching the nuts and bolts of the physical practice, weaving in the philosophy of the "Eight Limbs of Yoga," and I enjoy creating a space for students to define their own meaning of yoga. I hope to inspire students to look beyond the physical and use the whole practice of yoga to deepen the connection with one's true self. Ultimately yoga teaches us to go inward, and by creating an attitude of santosha, or contentment, we can embrace all of the parts of ourselves and can harmonize with the world around us. We can be grateful for not just one thing but everything. The practice of yoga teaches us how to live with an open heart and an open mind.
Retreats give you the opportunity to step away from your daily life. You get to devote time to your yoga practice and deepen and explore aspects of yoga that you haven’t. We eat amazing food. We go on interesting adventures. We do all of this with like-minded folks. We make friends for life! Each student’s retreat experience is so unique. And that’s what I love. You can allow it to be whatever it needs to be. And … you might just be surprised!
Poses that teach you how to engage and strengthen your hamstrings, like Urdhva Danurasana. I also love teaching Handstands, especially to students who have never gone up.
Trikonasana, Parivrtta Janusirsasana, and Supta Virasana
Norway, Ireland, Italy, England, Hawaii (I live here now!), California Redwoods, Costa Rica, and really… anywhere tropical.