Experiences that will change your life.












Ireland, known for its lush landscapes, rich history, and warm hospitality, offers an enchanting and diverse travel experience. Situated in the heart of East Cork on a picturesque estate surrounded by lush gardens, orchards, and farmland, our home for the week provides a quintessential Irish country house experience. The rooms are individually decorated with antique charm and modern comforts. Ballymaloe House is celebrated for its exceptional cuisine, with a menu showcasing seasonal, locally sourced ingredients, much of which is grown on-site. Our curated itinerary will take you on a journey through the southeast region of the island. From Cork City Market to Killarney National Park, and the quaint coastal town of Kinsale, this will be a delightful experience of Ireland’s beautiful landscapes and culture.

Probing Logs: 

JadeWits Technologies Application Execution:   0.619334 sec 

2024-09-08 01:38:15 ( at:   0.000009 ) |   0.000000 sec | KB =       0.00 -- Systam Start 
2024-09-08 01:38:16 ( at:   0.600282 ) |   0.600273 sec | KB =      11.61 -- config loaded 
2024-09-08 01:38:16 ( at:   0.600315 ) |   0.000033 sec | KB =       0.36 -- root path calculated 
2024-09-08 01:38:16 ( at:   0.600582 ) |   0.000267 sec | KB =      21.27 -- cache class loaded 
2024-09-08 01:38:16 ( at:   0.600894 ) |   0.000312 sec | KB =      12.59 -- system paths processed 
2024-09-08 01:38:16 ( at:   0.600905 ) |   0.000011 sec | KB =       0.10 -- client detection 
2024-09-08 01:38:16 ( at:   0.602060 ) |   0.001155 sec | KB =      53.43 -- client detection complete 
2024-09-08 01:38:16 ( at:   0.602109 ) |   0.000049 sec | KB =      12.41 -- routing done 
2024-09-08 01:38:16 ( at:   0.602188 ) |   0.000079 sec | KB =       0.38 -- Database Connection Start 
2024-09-08 01:38:16 ( at:   0.602413 ) |   0.000225 sec | KB =     112.27 -- Database Connected 
2024-09-08 01:38:16 ( at:   0.602432 ) |   0.000019 sec | KB =       1.85 -- jadewits_ultra_public_cache initiated 
2024-09-08 01:38:16 ( at:   0.602580 ) |   0.000148 sec | KB =       4.20 -- jadewits_ultra_public_cache generating 
2024-09-08 01:38:16 ( at:   0.603163 ) |   0.000583 sec | KB =     194.50 -- include all required libraries 
2024-09-08 01:38:16 ( at:   0.603172 ) |   0.000009 sec | KB =       0.10 -- events load start 
2024-09-08 01:38:16 ( at:   0.603208 ) |   0.000036 sec | KB =      11.53 -- events loaded 
2024-09-08 01:38:16 ( at:   0.603239 ) |   0.000031 sec | KB =      16.88 -- plugins load start 
2024-09-08 01:38:16 ( at:   0.604765 ) |   0.001526 sec | KB =     664.27 -- all plugins loaded 
2024-09-07 18:38:16 ( at:   0.604796 ) |   0.000031 sec | KB =       4.70 -- session strat 
2024-09-07 18:38:16 ( at:   0.604865 ) |   0.000069 sec | KB =       2.20 -- session loaded 
2024-09-07 18:38:16 ( at:   0.604886 ) |   0.000021 sec | KB =       6.03 -- theme init start 
2024-09-07 18:38:16 ( at:   0.604902 ) |   0.000016 sec | KB =       2.71 -- theme init complete 
2024-09-07 18:38:16 ( at:   0.608225 ) |   0.003323 sec | KB =     149.08 -- global init first complete 
2024-09-07 18:38:16 ( at:   0.608311 ) |   0.000086 sec | KB =       2.36 -- global init complete 
2024-09-07 18:38:16 ( at:   0.608339 ) |   0.000028 sec | KB =       0.65 -- Core Load 
2024-09-07 18:38:16 ( at:   0.619337 ) |   0.010998 sec | KB =     696.73 -- The End 

Plugin Load Logs: 
   0.000030 sec -- application_management
   0.000088 sec -- authentication_helper
   0.000704 sec -- content_management
   0.000038 sec -- jw_iy2016
   0.000016 sec -- jw_media
   0.000019 sec -- page_management
   0.000010 sec -- plugins
   0.000073 sec -- profiles
   0.000015 sec -- role_permissions
   0.000249 sec -- settings
   0.000022 sec -- theme_engine
   0.000028 sec -- theme_management
   0.000013 sec -- user_activity_log

   0.001305 sec -- Total

Total Memory Usage:    2232.99 KB

Cache Logs: 

Query Logs: 15 queries
Total connect time: 0
Total query time: 0